Use the most important keywords in your question:
ex. "Did pirates practice a form of democracy?"
extract pirate and democracy for starting your search
Keep words that should be searched as an exact phrase enclosed in quotation marks:
ex. "jolly roger"
When you locate an item that answers your research question, use that item's keywords and subject terms to locate similar items
Look at the Bibliography and/or References in books and articles that you have found to help find more relevant titles.
There are a few key rules of thumb to use when evaluating a site on the Internet. Sites that end with .gov, .edu, .org, or .mil are generally more trustworthy than sites ending with .com. Note that this is a general rule, not a hard and fast rule. Some .com sites are edited and curated and contain high-quality information, while some .edu sites are for student use and may be unreliable.
See if a site names it's creator and allows a way to verify they are who they say they are. Keep in mind that anyone can put up a spoof site and unless you're absolutely sure it is the person or institutions official site do not use it. Similarly, anyone can claim a .org site, so be careful when using such sites for information.
Check for a date to determine the currency of the information. If a page has no date you probably do not want to use the information. Dating a site can be tricky. Is the date you found the date of creation, or the date the material was posted on the web? Is the date created by a software program or by the author?