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EDCL 6352: School as the Center for Inquiry: Home

EDCL 6352 prepares the educational leader to be an intelligent consumer of research and to assume a leadership role in school-wide action research.

Getting Started | Background Information | Reference Material

Reference Material in the form of subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks typically provide background essays, definitions, broad overviews of various topics, or other pertinent facts. Search across a collection of titles like Sage eReference

Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science
Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences

Oxford Bibliographies: Education
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education  
Philosophy of Education: An Encyclopedia

Review of Research in Education

This guide will outline what will be discussed in the library workshop. The workshop will cover topics students will be researching:

Teacher Retention (Why are teachers staying?)
School Climate/Culture
Student Discipline Emergent
Bilingual Programs
Writing Across Grade Levels
Response to Intervention
Teacher Turnover (Why are teachers leaving?)
Master Schedules (@ High Schools)

Arlene Salazar

Profile Photo
Arlene Salazar
(512) 245-3844