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Black Women, Black Protest: Sources for Images

Note about Databases/Websites & Finding Images


This brief guide is designed to help you locate images for your research projects through the library and other resources.  

It is not an exhaustive list of what is available to you so, If you don't see what you are looking for, please  ask a librarian for some help either by using links in the profile box to the right on this page or using our "Ask a Librarian" service , we are happy to help!


The university library subscribes to over 600 databases.

Here is a list of many databases that contain images

A few which might be useful for your research are listed in the "image databases" box below. 

Also included here are a few websites from various institutions which have images.  


Image Databases

The university library subscribes to over 600 databases.

Here is a list of many databases that contain images

Below are a few databases from the list which may be especially useful for your projects-

Another Guide for Finding Images

Our Art librarian has compiled a guide with additional sources and information on finding and using images

You may find additional resources there, as well as great information about using images in your research projects.  


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Margaret Vaverek