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Academic Freedom: Home


Academic Freedom is a complex issue, especially in higher education today.  This guide is designed to provide some sources for research on this topic and provide avenues for further investigation. 

Need more information? 

Please contact librarians Stephanie Towery or Margaret Vaverek for help with library resources (see boxes below).

 Faculty may also contact the Faculty Senate's Academic Freedom committee at Texas State. 



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Stephanie Towery
ALK 218

What is Academic Freedom?

This guide is designed to provide basic information about the concept of Academic Freedom and resources for further information

What is Acedemic Freedom?   There are many definitions, here are a couple-

"Academic Freedom means the freedom to teach and conduct research constrained only by two things - the professional standards of the relevant discipline and the legitimate and non-discriminatory institutional requirements for organizing the academic mission."  Mackinnon, Peter "What Do We Mean When We Talk About Academic Freedom?"  University Affairs October, 2011 p.35


"Institutions of higher education are conducted for the common good and not to further the interest of either the individual teacher or the institution as a whole. The common good depends upon the free search for truth and its free exposition."
American Association of University Professors- Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, 1940

Defining Academic Freedom

"This statement is designed to help clarify both what academic freedom does and doesn't do."

Nelson, Cary "Defining Academic Freedom" Inside Higher Education. December 21,2010. 





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Margaret Vaverek