Below are some databases that are good for market research.
They should help answer the question "How might my work be applied in an industry?"
This is not all of the market research databases, but these are a good place to start. Don't be afraid to poke around! You may find applications for your materials that you hadn't considered.
Search for Reports and Trade Journal news for specific markets through keyword searching. A search for "hydrogen fuel" brought up everything about the global electric and hybrid light vehicles market, including forecasts to 2035.
Search for Industry Reports by keyword or company. A search for adhesives brought up an Industry Report about Adhesive Manufacturing in the US, and a Specialized Industry Report about Medical Adhesives & Sealants Manufacturing.
A standard for market research. Search Industry Analyses, Case Studies, Thematic Analyses and more by keyword and/or filters. A search for "hydrogen fuel" that was limited to Analyst Insights and Industry Case Studies brought back information about Hydrogen in regards to aircraft, energy, automotive industries, and technologies.
Browse by category or search by keyword. A search for adhesives brought back information about the global market for advanced wound care products, and transdermal drug delivery markets.