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REL 3335: Cults and New Religious Movements

Step 6. Refine your Search

Once you have a list of results, use tools in Start Your Research (or the database of your choice) to refine your search.

  • Use the "All Filters" box under the search bar to narrow your search. 
  • An explanation of some of the tools the database has to help you are listed below.

All filters option for Start Your Research results

All filters list

Search Filters

There is a list of search filters to limit your search results to these options: full text, peer-reviewed, library catalog, TXST Digital Repository, and available in library collection. Using Source Types list can easily limit your results to only academic journal articles. 

search filters

Source Types



Click on the "Subject" arrow in "All filters" pop up box on the right to access the entire list. 

All filters menu

subjects filter

subject list

Publication and Language

You can limit your search results by language and publication. Click on the "Publication" arrow to access list of publications related to your search results. 

publication and language search filters


Publication list

Click on the "Language" arrow to access list of languages related to your search results. 

language list