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Reference Material in the form of subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks typically provide background essays, definitions, broad overviews of various topics, or other pertinent facts. Search across a collection of titles like Sage eReference
Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science
Encyclopedia of American Education
Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration
Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology
Encyclopedia of Psychology
Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
Review of Research in Education
Texas Higher Education Almanac
Workplace injustice among African American female -- faculty.
Evidence-based practice and faculty development -- higher education/professional development
My research topic is next gens in impact with a focus on feminism as the epistemology
Critical reflective practices developed through intergenerational dialogic learning.
Narratives -- Older Male Latino Migrant Workers from a Texas Border
I am looking at organizational learning and occupational safety. My research questions are as follows: What explanations do organizational leaders and safety practitioners offer for differences between their current theory and practice in safety and health? What theories and ideas inform decisions of organizational leaders and safety practitioners related to safety and health?
DEI Organizational Cultural Change and how that it is facilitated through organizational leadership knowledge exchange and whether it results in transformational learning.
African American women leadership in Higher Education
Experiences of women faculty in academic medicine, particularly those who are interested in participating in research
education of end of life through an auto-ethnography.