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Radiation Therapy Library Orientation: Is My Article Peer-Reviewed?

This guide will introduce students to locating and accessing Radiation Therapy library resources.

What is a Peer-Reviewed Journal?

A scholarly journal is peer-reviewed when there is an editorial board that decides which articles should be included for publication. These journals are generally thought to be of the highest quality. To determine if a journal is peer-reviewed, look for an editorial board in the early pages or on the journal's website.

Start Your Research and many databases offer the option to limit to "Scholarly/Academic Journals" or "Peer- Reviewed".  If you're not sure if a journal is considered peer-reviewed, check Ulrich's by looking up the title of the journal.

Quick Tips: Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles using Start Your Research

Watch the following video to learn how to limit your results to articles from peer-reviewed journals using Start Your Research.  The video covers the topics: 

  • How to limit articles to peer-reviewed in Start Your Research

Quick Tips: Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles using Databases

Watch the following video to learn how to limit your results to articles from peer-reviewed journals in a database.  The video covers the topics: 

  • How to limit articles to peer-reviewed in a database

Quick Tips: Check a Journal's Peer-Review status using Ulrichsweb

Watch the following video to learn how to check the database Ulrichsweb to find out if the journal an article is published in is peer-reviewed. The video covers the following topics:

  • How to search the database Ulrichsweb to find out if a journal is peer-reviewed.