Over 600 reference books, including encyclopedias, dictionaries (English and foreign language), thesauri, books of quotations, as well as a range of subject-specific reference books.
Entries cover all aspects of the visual arts from prehistory to the present.
Current edition dictionaries, encyclopedias and thesauri on multiple disciplines and subjects. Simultaneous user limit is 5.
NOTE! This will only give you access to scholarly articles that Alkek Library subscribes to if you are on campus! If you are off campus and want to use Google Scholar to search far articles that we have access to please use the library's Google Scholar proxy link.
Not all content retrieved in a search is available full-text.
Communication Studies Databases could also be another good source for articles since they can cover visual communication theories.
You could also check out our newspaper databases, especially the historical ones, for good resources on art. Newspaper articles from the time period of the work of art can be considered a primary source material.
See also the entire Theater & Performing Arts database list, the Newspaper databases, and possibly the Literature and Language databases for more search options.
Includes reviews, critical analysis, film and television theory, preservation and restoration, writing, production, cinematography, and technical aspect. 1914 to present.
Searches scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, and technical reports.
To set your browser to always access Texas State full-text content:
Encompasses all key fields of the humanities. Includes articles, interviews, obituaries, original works of fiction, drama, poetry, and reviews. Indexing from 1900, full text from 1909 to present.
Scholarly journals and books. Access begins with the first volume for many journal titles, but usually does not have the newest volumes of each journal. To try out AI tools in JSTOR, login using your personal JSTOR account and visit the FAQs to learn more.
Information about and criticisms of authors, novelists, poets, essayists, journalists, and other writers. Includes several major Gale publications such as Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Contemporary Authors. Current.
Journals and ebooks from major university presses on literature and criticism, history, performing arts, cultural studies, education, philosophy, political science, gender studies, and more.
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It's important to know the parts of a citation so you can interpret it correctly. You must have at least the Journal name, volume, issue, and page number to be able to locate the article.