Our library subscribes to over 600 databases. Only a few are listed here. Be sure to visit our main databases page for the full list. Browsing by subjects and titles makes finding databases easier. If you don't find what you are looking for, just use the "Ask Us" button on the ride side of the screen for additional help.
Large full-text multidisciplinary collection of scholarly journals, trade/professional publications, and newspapers. 1887-present.
Index to articles in international alternative, radical, and left periodicals. Topics include indigenous peoples, LGBTQIA, feminism, ecology, democracy, and anarchism. 1969 to present.
A digital collective of books and journals from numerous academic and research libraries around the world.
Scholarly journals and books. Access begins with the first volume for many journal titles, but usually does not have the newest volumes of each journal. To try out AI tools in JSTOR, login using your personal JSTOR account and visit the FAQs to learn more.
Journals and ebooks from major university presses on literature and criticism, history, performing arts, cultural studies, education, philosophy, political science, gender studies, and more.
Primary resource material revealing the challenges of everyday African Americans in Atlanta, Chicago, New York and North Carolina in the early 1800s to early 2000s.
Contributions to arts, entertainment, sciences, business, military, and politics from prominent individuals as well as nameless others who endured the travails of slavery and institutionalized discrimination. Late 1700s to present.
Developed with the American Theological Library Association, this archive preserved endangered newspapers, magazines and annuals related to African American religious life and culture. 1829-1922.
Current and historical photographs, audio clips, & news from the Associated Press. Licensed for educational use. 1826 - present
A growing collection of primary sources on social, political, health, and legal issues of sexuality and gender throughout history and current impacts on LGBTQ communities around the world. Current access includes four collections: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Parts 1-2,; Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century; Community and Identity in North America.
Primary source collection detailing the efforts of African Americans to abolish slavery in the U.S. prior to the Civil War. 1830-1865.
Primary source material, including FBI records, court cases, and newspaper articles focused on six different phases of Black Freedom from 1790 to 2000s.
Publications covering civil rights in the United States as legal protections and definitions expanded to cover more and more Americans. 1734-current.
News, culture, and history from 300 publications of ethnic, minority, and native presses. 1990-present.
Historical and current perspectives on the evolution of gender roles as they affect both men and women. 1970s to present.
Essays on Black people in Texas. Designed to create greater awareness of, and increase research on, the roles and contributions of Black individuals, groups, and organizations to neighborhoods, cities, Texas, the nation, and beyond. 1528 to present.
Many popular newspapers, dating back as far as the 19th century. Includes Black Historical Newspapers. Access for each paper begins with the first issue published, end dates are varied and evolving.
Primary source material on the cultural change between 1950-1975. Rock and roll, counterculture, peace and protest, fashion, civil rights, Vietnam, student activism, and underground publications.
Documents three pivotal decades in the fight for civil rights in America through the eyes and work of sociologists, activists, psychologists, teachers, ministers, students and housewives.1928-1976
Primary sources on slavery in four parts: Debates over Slavery and Abolition, Slave Trade in the Atlantic World, Institution of Slavery, and Age of Emancipation. 1490-1896.
Indexes articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers in sociology and related fields. International in scope. 1952 to present. Simultaneous user limit is 8.
Current issues of the major newspapers of the United States. Includes the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, and Chicago Tribune.
An index to publications about all aspects of women's studies, including feminist theory and history, family, mental and physical health, gender discrimination, legislation, and employment. 1972-present.