This is where you can find a compilation of all the guides the subject specialists have made for the spaces in Alkek One. Consider this your handy one-stop shop for troubleshooting tips, usage instructions, and getting started guides for the spaces and equipment in YouStar Studios and the MakerSpace.
Quickstart guides, troubleshooting tips, and usage instructions for YouStar Audio Studios hardware and software. More are coming soon!
The usage instructions and tutorial video for YouStar Video Studios.
Usage instructions and documentation for machines in the MakerSpace. Please note that you must get trained on the machines by a staff person first. You can register for trainings here.
Fall semester hours (August 21-December finals)
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-1am
Friday: 7:30am-8pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 12pm-1am
Last updated: August 22, 2023
Fall semester hours (August 21-December finals)
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-11pm
Friday: 7:30am-8pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-11pm
No new projects may begin after half an hour before closing.
Last updated: August 22, 2023
Fall semester hours (August 21-December finals)
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-11pm
Friday: 7:30am-8pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-11pm
Last updated: August 22, 2023
Fall semester hours (August 21-December finals)
Monday-Friday: 8am-8pm
Saturday-Sunday: closed
Last updated: August 22, 2023