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Finding Articles


Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles

1.  The easiest way to find peer-reviewed articles is to use the filter or limiter in Start Your Research or a subject database to limit your results list to peer-reviewed articles.


The example below shows the Filters link in CINAHL Ultimate:

Advanced search screen in CINAHL Ultimate with filters link highlighted.


Checking if an article is Peer-Reviewed


If you are unsure if an article is Peer-Reviewed you can use the database Ulrichsweb to find out.

  1. Note the name of the journal the article is published in or the ISSN number of the journal.
    1. The ISSN is better because it will bring up the exact journal.  If you use the name of the journal you will probably get multiple journals with the same title.
    2. You might have to do a Google search for to find out the ISSN of the journal:

      1. Example Google search:  "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development" ISSN

  2. Access the database Ulrichsweb from the Database page.
  3. In the search box on Ulrichsweb enter either the name of the journal or the ISSN.
  4. If the journal is Peer-Reviewed, you will see a referees jersey.

Search for an ISSN in database Ulrichsweb with the search results showing the journal is refereed.  The referees jersey symbol is highlighted.