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HIST 5350: Frontier in American History: Government Information Sources

Course guide on American Frontier history

Government Information- what's that??

Historians often overlook a wealth of information on historical events published by the U.S. Government.  Much of this material is available in libraries round the country in print form (Including the Alkek library) and, increasingly, in online formats. 

Many publications of the U.S. Government fit the definition of a primary source, as defined in the tab at the top of this page. 

Please Note:  Some of our collection of documents does NOT appear in the online catalog.  The Government Information staff have put together a guide HERE with more information about how to access the collection and how to contact the staff

How to find out what's available

Since some of the items in our collection of government documents do not appear in the online catalog, here are some sources for finding out what is is available- 

Start with the Catalog of Government Publications for the most recent materials (1976-date)

 The U.S. Serial Set (see link below) contains a wealth of information on all eras of American history.  See this guide for information on how to mine this wonderful resource. 

Sampling of Government Publications

Here are just a few government documents that may be helpful.  Some are more scholarly than others but, most include useful bibliographies and/or notes.


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Margaret Vaverek