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CiteUlike is a academic social bookmarking tool for citations and academic papers
CiteUlike is associated with Springer.
CiteUlike is free, with extra features available for a fee
CiteUlike Wiki Link
In CiteUlilke, you "post" articles, not import them. There are several methods for this.
Browser Bookmarklet
You can use the drag and drop bookmarklet on this page to post articles.
Import Manually or from a URL
Just use the menu buttons to import manually or use a URL.
Import from a Citation Management Tool (Refworks, etc)
You'll need to export your citations in a format that CiteUlike recognizes.
CiteULike is a web-based academic paper bookmarking/organizational tool. This short guide contains the main features of CiteULike.
Social Features
Citation Organization & Rating Features
Citation Management Features