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Government Information: Texas

TXST Texas Document Collection

The physical Texas Documents collection is in compact shelving on Floor 4 of the Alkek Library. The library received selected publications of Texas government agencies until 2011. In that year, the state legislature eliminated funding of the Texas State Publications Depository Program for all but the regional depositories at Texas State Library and Archives in Austin and Texas Tech University in Lubbock.

As more than 90% of the documents in Government Information are not listed in the library catalog, the Catalog of Texas State Library & Archives Commission can be used to find classification numbers to locate materials in the Alkek Library collection. For those documents that are not found in the library, a search in the Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) or Google may yield an online version. If there is no full-text available, submit an interlibrary loan request.

To search cataloged Texas government documents in the Library Catalog, use a keyword, title or author search and limit search by changing the scope from “Search Entire Collection” to “Government Documents" in the drop down menu.

Texas Documents Classification Scheme

The Texas Documents Classification Scheme was created in order to organize documents created by Texas agencies.  You can view the scheme online or using the files below.

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