What is a research database?
A research database is a searchable collection of thousands of articles, often organized by subject.
What is a scholarly journal?
A scholarly journal is a scholarly publication with multiple articles that is often subject specific or has a specific audience. Sometimes referred to as a periodical, because they are published at regularly occurring intervals.
Use Research Databases to find articles on your topic.
The library has over 500 databases and choosing one is the first step for successful searching. You can choose a research database by Subject, by Name, or by Type. Try a database particular to your subject for more advanced research in your subject area by using the databases listed under By Subject.
Reference material that includes Dictionaries are available:
The Alkek Library offers Language Learning Media material on the 3rd floor of the Library and Audiobooks on CD.
TOEFL: To practice your language skills, try our language databases that offer practice tests for the TOEFL.
An interactive online learning platform featuring over 770 practice tests, tutorials, and eBooks including practice exams for the TOEFL. Also includes Computer skill tutorials, workplace skills improvement, US citizenship and more.
IELTS: Our Language Testing databases do not cover the IELTS but practice resources can be found on the web:
Free practice exercises and helpful tips for the listening, reading, and writing sections of IELTS
IELTS Practice Test
Free practice tests for listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections of IELTS. The IELTS Band Score Calculator converts these test scores into IELTS Band scores.
British Council IELTS
Descriptions, tips, and practice tasks for listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections of IELTS
ELC IELTS Practice Tasks
Descriptions, tips, and practice tasks and tests for listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections of IELT.