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COMM 3302: Rhetorical Research Methods: Books

A course guide to library research resources for Prof. Fox's students in Rhetorical Criticism

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Alkek Library Book Catalog

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  • Use "Quotes" for Keyword phrase searching

  • Click on the title to see subject headings (if you're having trouble with keywords)

  • Use truncation, for example if searching for political or politics, you can type polit* and get any form of the root word before the *

  • Use the Subject Heading links (in red box below) on any catalog record for an item to see more books or other materials on the same subject.

Visual Communication Subject Headings in a catalog record for a book

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Understanding Call Numbers

Understanding Call number order

Library of Congress call numbers should be read one line at a time as follows:

Example of a complete call number, DA 36 .A55:

DA Line 1

Line 2


Line 3


  1. First, look at Line 1:
    Books are arranged in alphabetical order, by the letters on the first line of the call number.
    Example: first come all the D call numbers, then all the DA call numbers, then DB, etc.


  2. Next, look at Line 2:
    Within the DA call numbers, books are arranged in number order.
    The numbers are arranged in numerical from low to high.


  3. Then look at Line 3:
    Line 3 of the call number has a letter and a number. The letters are in alphabetical order. Then read the numbers-but BEWARE!
    The numbers are not WHOLE numbers, they are DECIMAL numbers.
    Example: A55 is read as A .55 - this is why A55 comes before A6 (A .55, A .6, A .65, etc.)




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Tara Spies Smith