The library subscribes to hundreds of databases. The full list is available on the databases page.
Be sure to look at Political Science and/or the Law & Government databases for lists of databases on those topics.
Also, remember to think "outside the box". If you have a topic that touches on education or criminal justice or any other topics, check out those databases for more articles.
Those listed below are just a few that might be helpful starting points for your research projects.
Large full-text multidisciplinary collection of scholarly journals, trade/professional publications, and newspapers. 1887-present.
Reports on a wide range of topics, with overviews, background and timeline of a topic, assessment of the current situation, tables and maps, pro/con statements from opposing positions. 1923 to present.
Indexes documents which provide historical perspective on many of the 20th century's public and social policies around the world. 1914 to present.
Large full-text multidisciplinary collection of scholarly journals, trade/professional publications, and newspapers. 1887-present.