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CI 3315: Human Development: Learning and Being in Social Contexts: Home

Human Development: Learning and Being in Social Contexts


You'll find information about how to find books, search for articles, and about the many services Alkek has to offer you. Alkek Librarians are available to help you via Ask-A-Librarian. The Library's writing style guide has useful resources listed for writing help.

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Getting Started | Background Information | Reference Material

Reference Material in the form of subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks typically provide background essays, definitions, broad overviews of various topics, or other pertinent facts. Online reference material can be searched via collections like Sage eReference.


Locate a journal article that is a report of research (peer reviewed). Your article may be related to socioemotional development of any age from birth - 18 years old.  After reading the article, provide a summary of key points: Introduction; Method; Summary of Findings; and Reflection. Cite your article in APA format (7th edition) at the top of the page. When you submit your Journal Article Review and also include the full version of your journal article as a PDF, 10 points extra credit will be added to your final point total. 

Related topics can also include major theories on cognition and learning (behaviorism, Piagetian constructivism, social constructivism, information processing).

Subject Librarian

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Arlene Salazar
(512) 245-3844