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CI 5314: Human Growth & Development II: Home

Human Growth & Development II

Getting Started | Background Information | Reference Material

Reference Material in the form of subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks typically provide background essays, definitions, broad overviews of various topics, or other pertinent facts. Online reference material can be searched via collections like those below.


What is the cradle to prison pipeline and what are states and the Federal Government doing to address it?   

As proper nutrition and academic success are clearly linked, what can schools to help low income high school students stick to a proper nutrition plan?

Do after school programs that provide adult mentoring improve academic success of students at risk  in urban public schools? 

What pressures and expectations are put on first-generation high school "african student*" to assimilate “model minority” behaviors and identities and do they distance themselves from being grouped as African-American? 

What social and environmental factors increase adolescent sexual risk behavior among trans students? How can they be prevented? 

How have cuts in funding for adaptive PE in secondary schools affected the ability to deliver services and what is the effect on the identities of adolescent youth with physical, developmental, and mental disabilities? 

What are the academic and sociological challenges that ELL students face in English-centered secondary classrooms? 

Arlene Salazar

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Arlene Salazar
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