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EDCL 5339 - Understanding the Self: Developing a Personal Vision for Leadership: Home


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Getting Started | Background Information | Reference Material

Reference Material in the form of subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks typically provide background essays, definitions, broad overviews of various topics, or other pertinent facts. Search across a collection of titles like Sage eReference

Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science
Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

Review of Research in Education
Texas Higher Education Almanac

Educational Philosophy and Theories:

Culturally relevant Pedagogy
Social Constructivist
Theory Place-based curriculum and learning 
Critical Pedagogy/Theory
Critical Race Theory
Experiential Learning
Environmental Learning
Pathways, residency and internships


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Arlene Salazar
(512) 245-3844