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Government Information: Census

This guide provides census resources from the federal government, with an emphasis on serving the Texas State University community.

Resources about the Census

U.S. Census Bureau

Online Census Resources & Tools

Print Census Resources

Often, the print publications by the Census Bureau are more user-friendly than the online products.  Here are some of the more useful Census publications:

Data Collections

The Census Bureau routinely collects the following data (from

  • Decennial Census of Population and Housing The U.S. census counts every resident in the United States. It is mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution and takes place every 10 years.  Decennial census records are confidential for 72 years.
  • Economic Census The Economic Census is the U.S. Government's official five-year measure of American business and the economy.
  • Census of Governments  Identifies the scope and nature of the nation's state and local government sector including public finance and public employment and classifications.
  • American Community Survey (ACS)  The American Community Survey (ACS) is a mandatory, ongoing statistical survey that samples a small percentage of the population every year.
  • Economic Indicators The Census Bureau releases fourteen different reports on key economic indicators. Each indicator is released on a specific schedule.