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Government Information: Maps

This guide provides map resources from the federal and state government, with an emphasis on serving the Texas State University community

Finding Topographic Maps

The USGS Map Locator is the place to go for topographic maps of the United States. Even though the website title is "The USGS Store" there are free downloads that can be printed by the Alkek Print Shop for Texas State University students, faculty, and staff.

You can search the Map Locator by address, location, or topographical map name. Clicking on the resulting "pink pushpin" reveals the various scales available for a given location, along with (some) map previews and download options.

Finding other maps using Google Advanced Image Search

Go to Google Images and click on Advanced Image Search

      Fill in “Find Results” to match your needs.  For example:

    Related to all of the words: world map
  • Related to the exact phrase: "political map"

·     Change the size to “Larger than 1024 x 768” (or more) if you are trying to find a larger map

      Optional: for government maps, change the Domain to “.gov” or “”

      When you find the map you need, go to the Government Information Map Request Form

      Copy/paste the URL for the map into “Additional Information”

      Fill in your contact information, then select Map name "Other" and Map scale "Other" (both are required fields)

To send the request, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen


Map Printing Policy

Current Texas State University students, faculty, or staff may request map printing for a small fee. The printing service is provided by the Alkek Print Shop on the first floor of Alkek Library. Requests should be submitted via the Map Request form. We ask that requests be limited to 10 maps/request. Typical map requests are available within 24 hours of request submission.