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Where to Publish Your Research

Digital Publishing @ TXST

The digital publishing office at Texas State University can help you at every level of the research process: planning, writing, publishing, and marketing your work. 

We offer a variety of services, including:

  • Open access journal publishing using Open Journal Systems
  • Digital exhibit curation using Omeka S
  • Open education resource (OER) publishing using Pressbooks
  • Researcher profile consultations
  • Application for ISSN
  • DOI minting through Crossref
  • Visibility and impact consultations for your work

We are always interested to help on any publishing projects and would love to hear project proposals. 

Please reach out to Alexa Hight, Assistant Director for Research and Data Services, at for assistance.

Open Journal Systems Hosting


The Texas State University Libraries provides open journal hosting services to all TXST faculty, staff, and students. Through our membership in the Texas Digital Library consortium, journals are published using Open Journals System (OJS), an open-source editorial management and publishing system. OJS provides a professional online presence and can be used to manage some or all of the stages of the journal publishing process: submissions, peer review, the editorial process, online publishing, and indexing. Articles are licensed for reuse using a Creative Commons license.

Using Open Journal Systems (OJS), faculty can set up and publish an online journal (or migrate an existing journal) without any costs for the software or Texas Digital Library (TDL) technical assistance.

The OJS software helps with every stage of peer-reviewed publishing, handling online submissions from authors, managing workflows from submission to publication, publishing issues online, and indexing content.

Using OJS, journal managers and editors can:

  • Customize submission requirements, the peer-review process, and the journal appearance
  • Perform all journal management tasks online
  • Provide comprehensive indexing of content (e.g., DOIs, ISSN, Google, ORCID)
  • Use OJS email notification and commenting tools

Examples of TXST OJS Journals

For questions, please contact Kristin Van Diest, Digital Publishing Librarian:

n addition to choosing what type of journal to publish, content, and title, there are a number of other decisions you'll need to make during the planning stage. Whether launching a new journal or migrating an existing journal to OJS, consider:

  • What need will your journal be filling?
  • Are you offering a unique contribution to the field?
  • What discipline(s) does this journal fall into?
  • How will the journal be funded? Time and money?
  • Who will be on the editorial board?
  • Do you have defined aims and scope?

Texas Digital Library Guidebook: Setting Up an Open Access Journal Using Open Journal Systems

Step 1: Review this Short Guide to Starting a New Journal from the Public Knowledge Project.

Step 2: Submit New Journal Request Form

When you are ready to submit a request for a new open access journal, you'll first need to complete this online form:

Step 3: Setup and Testing

  • You will receive a follow-up email to confirm the new journal request and all information is complete
  • The Texas Digital Library (TDL) will setup your journal
  • All Journal Managers will receive login instructions via email
  • You will be ready to setup your new journal!
    • Assign roles and users (e.g., reviewers, staff, etc.)
    • Create information pages (e.g., Journal Policies, About the Journal, Editorial Board, etc.)
    • Choose the layout, colors, themes, and other styles from OJS templates
    • Create automatic email templates (e.g., reviewer requests, author submissions, etc.)
    • Input your workflows (e.g., single or double peer-review, open or blind reviews, copyediting, approval, etc.)
    • Prepare and publish your first issue
  • How long does it take for my journal to be set up once I submit the New Journal Request Form?
    • It usually takes between 2-4 weeks for your journal to be ready for editing. 
  • What is meant by a "URL slug or acronym" for the journal?
    • All of our hosted journals include the prefix "" which will be followed by a slug/acronym for the journal 
    • For example, the Journal of College and Academic Support Programs (J-CASP) utilizes the "jcasp" slug and the URL is ""
  • Does OJS support assigning Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)? 
    • Yes. The journal manager(s) will need a membership with Crossref, Datacite, or another DOI registration agency and there is typically a fee. For more information on getting started and using the DOI plugin for OJS, see:
    • You are not required to assign DOIs in your journal, but it is useful. This is often where some funding to support the journal comes in, as you will need to setup the DOI registration and pay the associated fees.
  • How do I ensure my journal is indexed to maximize discovery?
  • What options are there for customizing the theme, colors, design, etc. in Open Journal Systems?
    • OJS comes with built-in theme, layout, and color options to choose from. You are also welcome to go in and edit the CSS or graphics that you'd like. More information is available in the Public Knowledge Project OJS Themes site:
  • Could I test out Open Journal Systems before deciding if it is a good option for my new journal?
    • Yes. We can setup a "sandbox" or test OJS site for you to experiment in before creating your new journal. The Texas Digital Library (TDL) also has a training and testing OJS instance that you can be given access to for experimenting and learning your way through OJS. Contact us and we will send login information:
  • Is there a way to publish articles and issues without the full editorial workflow? 
    • Yes. There are many tools and plugins already in OJS that you may find useful. One is the Quick Submit Plugin. This allows automatic publishing of an article or issue without the full editorial process, which may be useful if you have a few existing issues or articles in a backlog or if you have an existing external editorial workflow and are just using OJS to publish and display. More information is available in the Public Knowledge Project Tools tutorials:
  • Who do I contact with questions about OJS or for technical support?

Online Digital Exhibits: Omeka

Omeka Classic is a "web publishing platform for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits" (Omeka). There are many benefits to creating and maintaining digital exhibits with platforms like Omeka. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Preservation and Access: Digital platforms help to ensure long-term preservation of your items and wider access to born digital objects
  • Enhanced User Experience: There are almost endless possibilities in creating an interactive and visually appealing experience for users
  • Global Reach: A digital platform can enable global access to the exhibits anytime and anywhere
  • Contextualization and Interpretation: Curating an exhibit digitally allows you to provide background information and curatorial interpretations alongside the objects
  • Collaboration and Community Engagement: Fostering collaboration and community participation through user-generated content and discussions is much easier when access to the items is instantaneous
  • Analytics and Metrics: Gathering valuable insights and metrics on visitor engagement and behavior can allow you to improve the user experience over time.

We currently host one instance of Omeka Classic through the Texas State University Libraries, which includes our student-made zine collection.

If you are interested in working with our Digital Publishing Librarian on an Omeka Classic project, please fill out this form: Omeka Project Proposal Form