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Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Purpose of Guide

In Progress

This guide was borrowed from the original USC guide. I am in the process of updating all of the links to Texas State resources and modifying it according to your class. I believe I've made all the corrections, but please let me know if you find any that still refer to USC. Please check the TXST University Libraries website for any links to resources that refer you to USC resources.

Purpose of Guide

This guide is intended to help students organize and write a quality research paper for classes taught in the social and behavioral sciences. Also included are recommendations concerning how to successfully manage and complete specific course assignments. Note that, if you have any questions about a writing assignment, you should always seek advice from your professor before you begin. Requirements set forth by your professor will always supersede instructions provided in these general guidelines.


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Margaret Vaverek


This guide was borrowed from the original USC guide. USC links are in the process of being updated to Texas State resources and modifying in accordance to your class. Please check our library website for any links to resources that refer you to USC resources.