General information about Streaming Media Collections:
"...A method of sending a sequence of compressed moving images one way over a data network, at the user's request or broadcast at a fixed time, which allows viewing to begin before the entire file has been transmitted...."
Source: ODLIS-Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science
Doerksen, T., Mattson, M. & Morin, J. (2000). Streaming Video: Pedagogy and Technology. In J. Bourdeau & R. Heller (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2000 (pp. 1627-1629). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from
VANNATTA, R., BEYERBACH, B. & WALSH, C. (2001). From Teaching Technology to Using Technology to Enhance Student Learning: Preservice Teachers’ Changing Perceptions of Technology Infusion. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), 105-127. Norfolk, VA: AACE. Retrieved from