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GEOL 4330A: Introduction to Petroleum Geology: General Information

Guide for Petroleum Geology.

Research Assistance

The Alkek Library has librarians especially dedicated to academic departments.  I am here to help you with your Geology & Geography research needs.  I can help you via chat, phone, email, or in-person.  You can schedule a individual research consultation appointment here

In addition, I manage Government Information on the 4th floor of the library and Periodicals/Media on the 3rd floor of the library. 

Other Useful Guides

Geology 4330A Library Activity


Library Catalog: The catalog lists all library material physically in the building, such as books, kits, models, games, DVDs, etc.  It also has ebooks and streaming video and audio.  It does not have any articles.  The catalog will show you the location of the item, the call number, and if it is available or not.


Start Your Research: The main search box in the middle of the library homepage.  It searches our library catalog and most, but not all, of our databases.  It is a good source for articles – from scholarly journals, newspapers, and magazines.  It is a good tool to find information on multidisciplinary topics. 

Research Databases : These databases are mostly collections of scholarly journal articles, but some are not.  Some contain newspaper articles, datasets, etc.  We have organized the databases by title, by subject, and by type. 

Peer-Reviewed Articles: These are articles that have been reviewed for publication in scholarly journals by experts in the field.  It is a level of quality control.  Most of our databases have a checkbox that lets you limit the result to only peer-reviewed journals.

Periodical List: This is a list of all of the periodicals that library subscribes to.  Periodicals means that it is published periodically, such as four times a year, once a month, daily, etc.  You can search for the title of a magazine, journal, or newspaper and find all of the databases it is in.  Be sure to look at the dates available.

Ask-A-Librarian: Librarians are here to answer your questions.  For every major, there is a librarian assigned to that major.  On the library homepage, there is a link where you can chat with a librarian, email, or make a research consultation appointment.

Research, Instruction, & Outreach Librarian