Where are the print plays, playscripts, and screenplays located in the library building?
Currently most plays, playscripts, and screenplays are shelved in the library's general collection on the 6th floor and are available for check-out. Occasionally rare or special copies will be in the 7th floor Wittliff Collections Reading Room.
How do I figure out where they are on the shelves?
Be sure to check the Library Catalog for exact call numbers and locations for printed plays, playscripts, and screenplays.
Do you have online copies?
Alkek Library has online copies of plays and playscripts in several databases. See the list on this page for links to these databases.
I can't find a play when I search by the title! Does that mean we don't have it?
Sometimes plays are published in a magazine or in a book collection. Use an index (either print or online) to locate these plays. If you still can't find it, you can use Interlibrary Loan or your TexShare card to get a copy from a different library.
Search by play title or author, or enter the keyword "playscripts."
For opera/musical librettos: enter the title of the opera/musical in the online Library Catalog. Librettos in our collection reside at the Alkek Library location. You might also try entering the keyword "libretto."
Some plays are published in collections or magazines, and not in single volumes. These indexes indicate the collection or magazine where the text of a certain play is published. Click on the links below to access databases or check for location information.
Print Indexes:
Online Databases & eBooks:
Classical works to contemporary plays combined with critical analysis, contextual information, biographies, genres and Nick Hern books.
A very large collection of current and historical poems, short stories, essays, speeches, plays and author biographies.
Plays from the English-speaking world, including under-represented theater traditions such as radical theater, women's theater, regional, national & ethnic theatrical traditions. 1890s to present.
The library owns print and online copies of playscripts.
You'll need to use different tools (and different links on the website) to find print and online playscripts.
For print plays, use the library catalog.
If you can't find a print play, you can try searching in a play index to find plays in anthologies. (see the next tab for more info)
Online copies of plays will appear in the library catalog.
Also use online play text databases like Drama Online to find online texts of plays.
****You can also use the Playscripts 'genre' link to see a list of all Playscripts in the library catalog
Online playscript databases allow you to search plays more precisely according to theme, cast composition, roles for men and women, and other attributes.
The following list of databases contain complete online playscript texts:
Hundreds of plays from African and African diaspora playwrights including rare and previously unpublished plays by Langston Hughes, Ed Bullins, Willis Richardson, Amiri Baraka, and many others. Mid-1800s to present.
A very large collection of current and historical poems, short stories, essays, speeches, plays and author biographies.
Plays from the English-speaking world, including under-represented theater traditions such as radical theater, women's theater, regional, national & ethnic theatrical traditions. 1890s to present.
Online playscript texts in the Library Catalog
Some online playscript texts are found in the Library Catalog.
Search by play title or author, or enter the keyword "playscripts."
Use the "ebooks" setting to find online content.
Click here to browse a list of Playscripts in Alkek Library.
Search the library catalog here for print and ebook copies of plays.
Search by play title or author, or enter the keyword "playscripts."
For opera/musical librettos: enter the title of the opera/musical in the online Library Catalog.
Librettos in our collection reside at the Alkek Library location. You might also try entering the keyword "libretto."
Some plays are published in collections or magazines, and not in single volumes. These indexes indicate the collection or magazine where the text of a certain play is published. Click on the links below to access databases or check for location information.
Print Indexes:
Online Databases & eBooks:
See also the entire Theater & Performing Arts database list, the Newspaper databases, and possibly the Literature and Language databases for more search options.
The right song, right now for your next audition, performance or for study...
MusicalTheaterSongs.com is a subscription-based database for musical theater Repertoire. Find the right song, right now, for your next audition, performance or for study. Search 11,000 (and counting) titles spanning 150 years of shows, custom-tailor your search using up to 20 different parameters and over 100 descriptive tags, get direct links to sheet music and recordings, share your searches through email and social media platforms and connect with your school’s or local library’s music collection through Worldcat.
Schneider Music Library
Music Building, First Floor
Circulation: 512.245.3376
Librarian: 512.245.9661
Music Librarian: Mark Blair
Some music resources are available at Alkek, especially focusing its content on material about music, like books/eBooks and databases/journals. Music material at Alkek can be found on the 3rd floor and also on the 6th floor of the Library.
The Schneider Music Library will be your primary point of access when looking for primary source material, like scores and recordings.
The Library Catalog and Research Databases can be accessed from either library's website.
As you begin your research, consult the Introduction to Research guide for helpful searching tips and resources/services available to students, faculty and staff.
Online Audio Collections:
We subscribe to seven streaming audio databases, giving you access to music 24 hours a day, from home or wherever you happen to be!:
All of the databases above are accessible and cross-searchable via the Alexander Street Press
Music Online portal
If you're off-campus, you'll be prompted to enter your Texas State username and password.
Music Databases are provided through the Alkek Library website. They are accessible on and off campus; for off-campus access, you'll be prompted to enter your NetID and password.
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
Encyclopedia of Popular Music
Index to Printed Music
Infotrac Fine Arts and Music Collection
International Index to Music Periodicals Full Text
International Music Score Library Project
Oxford Music Online, Grove Music Dictionary
RISM Manuscripts Series A/II: Music Manuscripts After 1600