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Hist 4318Y Global Teenager: Finding Books/Documents

Library Catalog


Use the Library Catalog to search for print resources, multimedia resources, and ebooks. The Library Catalog also provides location and availability details. The library catalog is a type of database, so you can use the same search strategies you would use in a database, including "phrase searching," Boolean operators, and truncation.

Finding books written by teenagers can be a challenge when using the library catalog.  

Success will depend upon search terms, since the catalog does not classify books by age of the author.  

Using the ADVANCED search functions (below main search box below) of the catalog will be beneficial.  

Advanced screens allow for putting keywords to be found within subject headings or other catalog record fields.  

A screenshot of the search box in the library catalog.

Primary Primary Documents

The library subscribes to many databases containing primary sources.  Below are a few suggestions for historical research-

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Excerpts provided on the website above are NOT sufficient for your research.  You must  utilize the actual books referenced via the library catalog (see box above on this page)

Keywords/subjects in Catalog

The library at Texas State uses the same cataloging system as the Library of Congress.  

It is important to remember that the computer will only find the exact words that are put in any search boxes.

See the "search strategies" tab above for some ways to customize your search.  


Some good keywords and search strategies (see tab above for more on strategic searching)  are listed below-


 Keywords-  diary, letters, memoir, personal narrative, teen, juvenile, young, boy, girl, etc....

Truncation-  using a wildcard • (teen, teens, or teenager= teen*

Grouping keywords together: using ( )

 Example: (diary or narrative) and teen*


Below is a list of examples of books written (or containing) accounts of teenagers/youth.  

Click on the title to see the full record in the catalog, be sure to notice the subject headings, near the bottom of the screen for each record.  

Using these types of keywords to examine specific events or time periods is a good search strategy for finding resources.