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Medical Explorer Program: Healthcare Practice and Futures

A guide to library resources for students in the Medical Explorer program.

Locating DVDs/Viewing Streaming Video


See a DVD listed below that you are interested in watching? Click on the title which will take you to the library catalog record. In the record, you'll see details about the DVD, including if it comes with a guidebook or workbook. From the record, note the call number and also the location in the Alkek Library, which is the 3rd floor for DVDs.

Use the call number to locate the DVD case along with any accompanying guidebooks on the shelf in the DVD Collection. Take the DVD case and guidebook, if it is not already attached to the case, to the Checkout Desk, where staff will get the DVD to put in the case upon check out. 

Need help? Ask at the Checkout Desk

See where the DVD Collection and the Checkout Desk are located on the 3rd floor on Alkek Floor Plans.


Streaming Video

See a streaming video below that you'd like to watch? Click on the title which will take you to the library catalog record. In the record, click on the View online link. 




Deciphering Nature's Alphabet: A Conversation - this video has five chapters:

  1. How does DNA Work?
  2. Manipulating DNA
  3. Developing Genetic Tools
  4. Imagining the Genome
  5. Impact of the Human Genome

DNA from the Beginning - this website has videos that are lectures on different concepts for each of the following areas: Classical Genetics; Molecules of Genetics; Genetic Organization and Control. Each area has 14 concepts. For each concept, in addition to video, you'll find a description of the concept, animation, gallery, bio, problem and links.