More than 130 indicators summarizing the past and present social evolution of the 33 Latin American and Caribbean ECLAC/CEPAL member countries, as well as that of 9 non-independent, associate member Caribbean territories
CEPAL promotes and supports economic and social development through regional and subregional cooperation and integration. It works to gather, organize, interpret and disseminate information and data relating to the economic and social development of the region.
The Bank has compiled and organized over 1,000 searchable statistics and indicators for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, creating a comprehensive dataset for the region.
he Bank supports clients in the design of projects, and provides financing, technical assistance and knowledge services to support development interventions. The IDB focuses on empirical evidence for making decisions and measuring the impact of this projects to increase its development effectiveness. The IDB lends to national, provincial, state and municipal governments as well as autonomous public institutions. Civil society organizations and private sector companies are also eligible.
A Community of bringing Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru that decided voluntarily to join together for the purpose of achieving more rapid, better balanced and more autonomous development through Andean, South American and Latin American integration.
Starting with a sample set of 50 small nations and extracting their archived web content from the Internet Archive’s total web archive, we have built special search and access features on top of this subcollection and created a dedicated discovery portal for searching and browsing.
We intend both to do more targeted, high-quality archiving of these and other smaller national webs and also have undertaking active outreach to national and heritage institutions in these nations, and to related international organizations, to ensure this work is guided by broader community input.