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Athletic Training: Finding Books

ILL - FADS/GrADS - TexShare

Library Catalog

Use the Library Catalog to search for print resources, multimedia resources, and ebooks. The Library Catalog also provides location and availability details. Use quotation marks for "phrase searching"


Books related to Athletic Training can be found by keyword searching in the Library Catalog, but can also be found using Subject Headings:

TDLR Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers suggests reviewing the resources below prior to taking the Texas Athletic Trainer Licensure Examination and states: "The blueprint for the state licensure examination is the Board of Certification Role Delineation Study and describes the current knowledge, skills and abilities expected of an entry-level athletic trainer to practice athletic training. Questions on the Texas Athletic Trainer Licensure Examination are drawn from the sources on the reference list below."

Subject Librarian

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Arlene Salazar