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Find peer reviewed articles in Start Your Research

Try Start Your Research first! Search results can be limited by Material Type and Peer Review.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar can be a useful tool when collecting research information.

Consider the features in Settings to make it work better with your research:

â–ºLibrary Links - FindIt@TxState
â–ºBibliography Manager - set this EndNote (which is referring to the desktop version).

Many library databases allow searches to be limited to articles published in Peer-Reviewed journals, but this filter is not available in Google Scholar. Consult Ulrich's to find out if a journal is considered Refereed/Peer-Reviewed by searching the title of the journal.

LibKey Nomad | CMU LibrariesLibKey Nomad

This is a browser extension - if you find an article on the web, it will bring you to the full-text through TXST Libraries. This tool can also help with alerting you to journals considered "Problematic" (potentially predatory).