Try Start Your Research first! Search results can be limited to citations from Peer Reviewed journals. Specific Business Databases can also be accessed directly, as well as Finance & Economics and Marketing.
Articles about economic conditions, management techniques, theory and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, and taxation. 1971-present
Covers investment; industry, company, & market research reports; case studies; SWOT analyses. 1886 to present.
Texas State is permitted to use Harvard Business Review for course assignments.
Consider using a citation management software to help keep track of your citations for your bibliography and offers a Web and Desktop version.
EndNote is a citation management tool that enables you to:
► Organize your research Include citations while you write your paper
► Build a bibliography in a variety of formats
►Import references from library databases and Google Scholar.
See Also: Canvas EndNote Modules | EndNote Web Tutorials | EndNote Desktop Tutorials | Desktop Styles Download
Zotero is a free, open-access tool developed by an independent, nonprofit organization that has no financial interest in your private information. Zotero lets you:
► Attach images, notes, and PDFs to your citations
► Organize and tag your citations into collections and folders for different projects
► Create bibliographies automatically as well as in-text citations
► Share references and research information with a group
It's easy to use and connects with your web browser to download sources. The free version provides 300 MB of storage space and additional storage is available for a fee.
See Also: Quick-Start Guide | Get Help with Zotero | Zotero FAQs | User Forums | ZoteroBib
Zotero: A Guide for Librarians, Researchers, and Educators / Jason Puckett.