Learn how to use EndNote Desktop and EndNote Web in our Canvas modules.
Click on the links below to view the modules in Canvas. The modules do not require a log-in, but you must enroll in the course using the second link to save the course in your Canvas dashboard and to be able to take the comprehension check quiz.
Westlaw Academic: EndNote cannot export citation information directly from this database. References from these databases must be entered into EndNote manually.
EndNote 20 will have a visual upgrade but its functionality will remain mostly the same as X9, so you can continue to use EndNote X9 and EndNote Online until you decide to upgrade. Your existing library will transfer over whenever you choose to install the updated software. |
Personal Computers | Texas State-owned Mac computers | Texas State-owned Windows computers
For installation questions, Contact ITAC at (512) 245-4822
Some Windows users have reported that they get an error after downloading the software installer in which the PC prevents an unrecognized app from running. Contact ITAC for assistance, or follow their Endnote Error instructions.
To access EndNote Basic.