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Check-out Periods & Renewals - Undergrads

Number of Items Allowed: All Texas State University borrowers are allowed to check out a maximum of 100 items. Within that limit only 4 audio/visual materials, such as DVDs and CDs, may be borrowed at any one time.   

Undergraduate Students can borrow books for 4 weeks.  If you need a book for longer, you can renew the book - which means you can extend your loan for 4 more weeks. Renewals can be done online using or in person at the 2nd floor Ask Alkek Desk in Alkek Library. Call 512.245.3681 to renew by phone.

Check-out Periods & Renewals - Grad Students

Number of Items Allowed: All Texas State University borrowers are allowed to check out a maximum of 100 items. Within that limit only 4 audio/visual materials, such as DVDs and CDs, may be borrowed at any one time.   

Graduate Students have two set due dates.  Books checked out before May 31st are due May 31st, and books checked out between June 1st and December 31st are due December 31st.  If you need a book for longer, you can renew the book - which means you can change your return date to the next due date. Renewals can be done online using or in person at the 2nd floor Ask Alkek Desk in Alkek Library. Call 512.245.3681 to renew by phone.

Book Catalog

Use the Library Catalog to search for print resources, multimedia resources, and ebooks. The Library Catalog also provides location and availability details. Use quotation marks for "phrase searching"


Each item in the library's collection has its own catalog record, which shows its location and call number and also its status..

The subject headings are useful not only for finding other materials that are closely related to the one you're looking at, but also for suggesting additional search keywords.

If you find a really relevant book in the catalog, look at the subject terms to see if they use different words to describe your topic than you did. Try incorporating those new words in your searches to get a different angle on your research.

Biology Call Numbers

Books relating to Biology are located within the QH call number range and are located on the 6th floor.


359 - 425  Evolution
426 - 470  Genetics
471 - 489  Reproduction
501 - 539  Life                                                                                                                            

Other relevant areas include:

QK       (Botany)
QL       (Zoology)
QM      (Human Anatomy)
QP       (Physiology)
QR     (Microbiology)