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Piracy through the Ages: Databases

This Guide provides resources for the study of piracy through the ages

Search Tips

Use the most important keywords in your question:

ex. "Did pirates practice a form of democracy?"

extract pirate and democracy for starting your search

Keep words that should be searched as an exact phrase enclosed in quotation marks:

ex. "jolly roger"

When you locate an item that answers your research question, use that item's keywords and subject terms to locate similar items

Look at the Bibliography and/or References in books and articles that you have found to help find more relevant titles.

Key Databases for Piracy Research

Each database listed below allows you to search many journals and other sources  simultaneously. In order to access any of these databases, you will need to login with your Texas State netID/Password if you are off cammpus. 


Profile Photo
Margaret Vaverek
Subjects: History