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HDFS 5100: Introduction to Human Development & Family Sciences

This course guide was created for Dr. Christine Gray's HDFS 5100: Introduction to HDFS class.

Family & Consumer Science Databases

This page has a listing of frequently used research databases for Family and Consumer Sciences courses.

Most Cited Articles

Commonly Used Databases - Multi Subject

What is the Periodical List?

Not every database contains the full text of every article. However, you may be able to find the full text in another of the library's databases. To find out where you can find a particular periodical online or in print, use the Periodical List.

(click on the image to see a larger version)

Lit Reviews, Dissertations & Thesis, Digital Collections

Web of Science is an extremely useful database for literature reviews.  It provides how many times an article has been cited, and by whom.

CiteSeer also serves as a citation index showing who has cited whom.

Dissertations & Theses contains citations for dissertations & theses from 1861 to the present. Titles published since 1997 are available for download in PDF format.

Digital Collections @TxState contains full text dissertations, theses, pre-prints, post-prints, datasets, journals, conference papers, reports, presentations from Texas State University.


The following newspapers can be accessed through Newspaper Source Plus:

Austin-American Stateman
Dallas Morning News
New York Times
Washington Post