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Treaties & International Agreements

General Reference Works

Finding More in the Online Catalog

The library at Texas State has many resources that may be helpful in researching treaties.  Try a keyword search  with country names and treaty or agreements.  A title search on treaties returns results of over 10,000 ebooks alone. 

Some of these subject headings may also be helpful-

Indians Of North America Treaties

Treaties Collections

Peace Treaties

Treaties United States Foreign Relations

More Treaty Research Guides

There are many good guides available for further research resources with treaties.  Texas State may not own all the resources listed in these research guides.

Please consult with our Government Information Staff or contact Margaret Vaverek (See box at right) for further information. 

More sites that may be useful

Organization of American States Free Trade Agreements

U.S. Free Trade Agreements

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). Avoid, one of the most famous protest sites on the internet.

CIA World Factbook - see which international organizations a country belongs to. Choose your country and click on government to the bottom of the screen.