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CI 5327: Principles and Practices in Elementary Education: Finding Books

Tips for Finding Books

Types of Searches


  • Combine terms using AND.
  • This search returns records that contain words that match exactly what you typed in.
  • This is often (but not always) the best place to start.


  • Catalog uses pre-defined subjects. 
  • This type of search works well if you are browsing for a particular subject that you know or a broad term. So if you aren't finding anything, switch to the keyword search instead.
  • Subjects are arranged using the Library of Congress Classification system.


  • Author searches are for looking for items a particular person has authored or written.
  • The library catalog works best if you type in searches in the format "Lastname, Firstname."
  • If you want books about a person, search for their name by subject.


  • Use this search if you know the title of the material that you want.

Background Information | Reference Material

Reference material in the form of subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks typically provide background essays, definitions, broad overviews of various topics, or other pertinent facts. The four bullets below list collections of searchable eReference titles:

  • Credo eReference  includes more than 580 reference books, including encyclopedias, dictionaries (English and foreign language), thesauri, books of quotations, as well as a range of subject-specific reference books. 
  • Sage Knowledge covers sociology, social work, multicultural and gender studies, political science, psychology, anthropology, criminal justice, health, and medicine. 

Search for Books & More in the Library:

Anthony Guardado, Head RRC Librarian

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Anthony Guardado
Texas State University
Round Rock Campus
Avery 255A
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