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ARTH 3306: History of Photography: Images

More Info About Finding Images & Copyright

See the Finding Images Research Guide for finding more information about finding and using images for your research, papers, and presentations.

Also, sign up for the Finding Images Workshop if you would like. Check the Library Workshops page for dates and times!

Artstor on Jstor: How to find, use, and make image groups and PPTs in Jstor

Finding Images in Image Databases and Books

You can see a list of all the library's image databases from the "By Type" drop down menu on the Research Databases page. Or use the list to the left here.

You can also check the library catalog for art books with images. Just use the keyword for the type of image you want and an abbreviation like ill or illus for illustration. Example: birds and ill or type in birds and illus. Other words for finding images that you can use in catalog searches are pictoral works, illustration, or "___ in art", for example "flowers in art".

We do own the Illustration Index, Sculpture Index, and Havlice's World Painting Index (tells you what book has a reproduction or illustration of known works by known artists) and Martha Moss's Photography Books Index, volumes I and II, a subject guide to photo anthologies. If you do a keyword search under “catalogue raisonne” you will get all the books of the complete works (catalogue raisonne) of particular artists.

For visual communication, “mass communication,” “advertising,” and “marketing” are subject headings that can have image books. For example, if you do a keyword search using "advertising and annual” you will see all the titles we have that are advertising awarded images and campaigns (Annual Clio, National Addy, Graphis, Art Director's Annual, Photo Annual, Major marketing campaigns annual). If you look under the subject heading “Advertising Campaign – Periodicals”, you will see others.

Image Databases

This is a list of some image databases related mostly to art and design, but if you need more or other types of images, for example medical, historical, multi-cultural, there are many more on the Image Databases page.