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ARTT 4375: Pedagogy of Art Criticism, History & Aesthetics: Cite Your Sources

A course guide to library research resources for Prof. Evans-Palmer's Art Criticism, History and Aesthetics students.

Citing Images

Citing images:

The basic elements needed  for citing images are as follows:

  • artist's name, if known
  • title of image, if known
  • date work was created
  • if date is unknown, place n.d. were the date would go
  • permanent owner or institution where the artwork is housed
  • the location or city

Citing images in APA from the APA Style Blog

Understanding a Journal Citation

You'll see something like this:

It's important to know the parts of a citation so you can interpret it correctly. You must have at least the Journal name, volume, issue, and page number to be able to locate the article.

Subject Guide

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Tara Spies Smith