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Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Science


Databases are where we index journals, allowing them to all be searchable at once by keyword and subject, and allowing you to use limiters (like "published in the last year", or "peer-reviewed only").

When are articles and databases most important for your research?

  • You want a variety of viewpoints on your topic
  • You need the most current information
  • You want to follow research forward and backward in time to see how it has progressed
    • (Use citations to do this - ask your librarian for help!)

Other Important Databases

Web of Science

Web of Science is an extremely useful database for literature reviews.  It gives information like  times an article has been cited, and by whom.


CiteSeer also serves as a citation index showing who has cited whom.

Dissertations & Theses

Dissertations & Theses contains citations for dissertations & theses from 1861 to the present. Titles published since 1997 are available for download in PDF format.

Digital Collections @TxState

Digital Collections @TxState contains full text dissertations, theses, pre-prints, post-prints, datasets, journals, conference papers, reports, presentations from Texas State University.