Not sure where to start searching? Try Start Your Research to find relevant databases!
While Start Your Research doesn't search all our databases, the databases in that list can indicate other databases that might be helpful.
Search by keywords and small phrases.
Maximize your keyword searches with Boolean searching.
Use the database’s "help" feature to find the syntax for advanced searches. This varies by database
Consider truncation. The asterisk (*) symbol is used most often.
Typing in stand* will give results containing: stands, standing, standards, standardize, and etc.
Try using the database’s subject or descriptor terms. Those are listed in the database’s thesaurus, or they may be listed near the article abstract. These can be useful for learning the preferred vocabulary of a discipline.
Here are some quick non-search tricks to help you research more efficiently.
Google Scholar can be a useful tool when collecting research information. Accessing Google Scholar from the Library Databases page will link to the subscription sources available to you as a Texas State Student. If you do not use the library link for off campus access, you won't be able to access library-subscribed content. If you are off campus, you will be prompted for your TxState NetID to search Google Scholar.