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MC 4320: Public Relations Campaigns: Simply Analytics

Simply Analytics


Simply Analytics


Extensive demographic, business and marketing data from sources such as census data from 2000 and 2010,Current Estimates, Five Year Projections, the Experian SimmonsLOCAL® and Nielsen Claritas PRIZM® Data Packages.
Formats: Web-based mapping application to create thematic maps and reports.
Coverage: 2000-present

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Variable Categories

Experian SimmonsLOCAL: powerful targeting and profiling system that provides insights into consumer behavior for all of America's 210 media markets on a local level with 60,000+ data variables, including over 450 categories and 8,000 specific brands.

PRIZM™ from Nielson: defines every U.S. Household in terms of 66 demographic and behavior types or segments to help marketers discern those customers' likes, dislikes, lifestyles, and purchasing behaviors.

PRIZM® Premier: New factors in the PRIZM® Premier model are measures of technology behavior and household assets. The introduction of these key drivers enables you to create segments that reflect how today’s households have embraced technology and how they have weathered the economic shifts in recent years. Current-year estimates and five-year projections.


Check out this video created by the University of Alabama. It is a great tutorial step by step of how to use the database.