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CI 7360: Designing Educational Research

Designing Educational Research

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Use the Library Catalog to search the main collection for print resources, multimedia resources, and ebooks. The Library Catalog also provides location and availability details. 

Start Your Research searches can also be limited to books/eBooks by marking the "Library Catalog" option on the left.

Collections of eBooks can also be searched and most are included in Start Your Research.
Multi-disciplinary collections that will be especially helpful include EBSCO eBook Collection, ProQuest eBook Central/eBrary, Springer eBook Collection (ePub files can't be used on the Kindle)

Policy Institutes/Think Tanks

A policy institute or think tank conducts research and engages in advocacy around a particular issue, from a stated viewpoint. Many think tanks offer neutral, non-partisan research, but most advocate a particular political ideology or agenda, so you need to scrutinize the organization you use as a source.
Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level.
CATO Institute is founded on the principle that parents are best suited to make important decisions regarding the care and education of their children.

Center for American Progress
 is a progressive think-tank dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through ideas and action.
Center on Education Policy
 is a national, independent advocate for public education and for more effective public schools.
Education Policy Studies Laboratory consists of several research units, including Education and the Public Interest Center and Commercialism in Education. 
Center for Educational Opportunity is an Arizona based think tank. Broad areas of research include expansion of charter schools, education tax credits and vouchers, and the regulatory climate for alternative and independent schools
Hoover Institution is an American public policy think tank and research institution located at Stanford University in California. 
KIDS COUNT provides state legislators, public officials and child advocates with the reliable data, policy recommendations and tools needed to advance sound policies that benefit children and families.

Network for Public Education (NPE)
 is an advocacy group whose mission is to preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students. 
Policy Archive is a good source for finding materials from various think tanks, including many of the ones mentioned here.
RAND Institute is a non-profit corporation. Research includes K-12 assessment and accountability, school reform, teachers and teaching, higher education, military education and training, worker training, and substance-abuse prevention in schools.