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CI 5390: Research Seminar in Education: Is it Peer Reviewed?

This course guide was created for Prof. Langerock's CI 5390 (Research Seminar in Education) class

What is a Peer-Reviewed journal?

What is a peer-reviewed journal?

A scholarly journal is peer-reviewed when there is an editorial board of academic experts in the field of study that decides which articles should be included for publication. These journals are generally thought to be of the highest quality. To determine if a journal is peer-reviewed, look for an editorial board in the early pages or on the journal's website.

Where can I find peer-reviewed journals?

Start Your Research and many databases offer the option to limit to "Scholarly/Academic Journals" or "Peer- Reviewed".  If you're not sure if a journal is considered peer-reviewed, check Ulrich's by looking up the title of the journal.

Quick Tips: Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles using Databases

Watch the following video or review the guide below to learn how to limit your results to articles from peer-reviewed journals in a database. 

The video covers the topic: 

  • How to limit articles to peer-reviewed in a database.

Quick Tips: Check A Journal's Peer-Review Status using Ulrichsweb

Watch the following video or review the guide below to learn how to check the database Ulrichsweb to find out if the journal an article is published in is peer-reviewed.

The video covers the following topic:

  • How to search the database Ulrichsweb to find out if a journal is peer-reviewed.