All of these databases come from the English databases page.
All articles within Gale's Contemporary Literary Criticism, Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, Shakespearean Criticism, Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, Poetry Criticism, Short Story Criticism, Drama Criticism, and Children's Literature Review. 1973-present.
Information about and criticisms of authors, novelists, poets, essayists, journalists, and other writers. Includes several major Gale publications such as Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Contemporary Authors. Current.
Search here for biographical information. View full list of our Biography databases.
Information about people throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines. Dates vary.
Authoritative biographies of people who shaped the history of Great Britain, from the 4th century BC to those who have died in the previous few years. Access is limited to one user at a time.
American and world popular culture, past and present. Decade overviews from 1920s to 2000s.
In-depth analysis of an author's life, works, career, & importance, plus the history of literary movements and genres.
Search here for general information. You can also view the full list of databases on the Research Databases page.
Large full-text multidisciplinary collection of scholarly journals, trade/professional publications, and newspapers. 1887-present.
Encompasses all key fields of the humanities. Includes articles, interviews, obituaries, original works of fiction, drama, poetry, and reviews. Indexing from 1900, full text from 1909 to present.
Scholarly journals and books. Access begins with the first volume for many journal titles, but usually does not have the newest volumes of each journal.
Search here for historical research and primary source documents.
Contributions to arts, entertainment, sciences, business, military, and politics from prominent individuals as well as nameless others who endured the travails of slavery and institutionalized discrimination. Late 1700s to present.
Articles and primary sources on the history and culture of indigenous peoples from precontact through the 21st century. Includes treaties, speeches, captivity narratives, traditional storytelling, maps, photographs, and video.
A growing collection of primary sources on social, political, health, and legal issues of sexuality and gender throughout history and current impacts on LGBTQ communities around the world. Current access includes four collections: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Parts 1-2,; Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century; Community and Identity in North America.
Primary sources on the history of women in the United States. This diverse collection ranges from Ancestral Pueblo pottery to Katrina Thomas's photographs of ethnic weddings from the late 20th century.
Historical material revealing early American home life from the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture, Duke University and the New York Public Library.
Membership to this resource ends December 31, 2024. At which time, complete documents cannot be downloaded and patrons will not be prompted for login.
A digital collective of books and journals from numerous academic and research libraries around the world.
An index to publications about all aspects of women's studies, including feminist theory and history, family, mental and physical health, gender discrimination, legislation, and employment. 1972-present.
Search here for articles about society and culture.
Journals and bulletins of the American Anthropological Association from volume 1 to present.
Encompasses all key fields of the humanities. Includes articles, interviews, obituaries, original works of fiction, drama, poetry, and reviews. Indexing from 1900, full text from 1909 to present.
Documents of the LGBT political, social, and cultural movements throughout the 20th century to present.
Primary source material on the cultural change between 1950-1975. Rock and roll, counterculture, peace and protest, fashion, civil rights, Vietnam, student activism, and underground publications.
Graphically rich primary sources depicting popular entertainment in America, Britain and Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries.