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BrowZine™ @ Alkek Library!

A browsable newsstand of the library's top journals. Easily find, read, and monitor thousands of scholarly journals directly from your iPad. BrowZine is now available from your library.

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Keyword Searching


"Green energy" and economics results with both terms appearing anywhere in the document. The quotes around "green energy" searches for the phrase "green energy" instead of individual words.

Real-life use: REFINES your search. You'd do this search to get green energy articles that concentrate more on the economic side of green energy, for example.


Rejects articles that contain a word or phrase. Example: You're interested in animals but NOT birds.

Real-life use: REFINES a search. For a topic with many subcategories, takes out what you don't want.


Green energy or solar. Gets articles with either "green energy" or solar.

Real-life use: EXPANDS your search. For example, when your topic is called a couple of different things.

Tip: Use advanced searching techniques like the parentheses here: (baseball or football) and (advertising or marketing)

Subject Guide

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Isabelle Antes
Alkek Library, 301B
601 University
San Marcos, TX 78666


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  • Cards are valid for 1 long semester.
  • Materials must be returned to the same library from which they were borrowed.
  • You are responsible for any charges for lost or damaged materials. 
  • Students that do not return items will have "holds" placed on their records. This will prevent you from registering for classes, obtaining transcripts or grades, etc.
  • For questions about TexShare contact the Ask Alkek Desk at 512.245.2686