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COUN 5372: Assessment and Treatment in Marriage & Family Counseling

Assessment and Treatment in Marriage and Family Counseling


Video Group Project: Working with a Couple or Family  |  Students will be creating a video in which they will be explaining the process of counseling a family. They are required to research specific family assessment strategies, family therapy interventions, family assessments, and information on the therapeutic process at it relates to their family’s presenting concerns (e.g., co-parenting, parenting children who have experienced trauma, low-SES families,..etc).

  • Each student in the group should find 5 peer-reviewed articles related to this family and their needs. These can be articles related to the presenting concern, family assessment strategies, formal assessments, systems theory interventions, info on termination, etc. You will utilize the class textbook as well as these outside sources in creating your video.
  • Students will work in their case study groups and create a 40-50-minute video containing various parts of MCF counseling. These will include visuals/discussions as well as counselor/client role plays.
  • Students may select one of the following ways to “create” their family; however, only ONE family should be used for the entire project to demonstrate continuity of treatment: Use their case-study family; Create a new case study; Base their project on characters in a movie; Use their own lives as a basis for this project

Students will be required to locate journal articles using counseling-related databases and identify peer-reviewed journal articles.

Selected Couple/Family Assessments


Beck Depression Inventory II

Beck Youth

Marital Satisfaction Inventory

Parenting Stress Index

Dyadic Adjustment Scale 
Parenting Alliance Measure

Parenting Relationship Questionnaire 
Family Assessment Measure-III 
The Conflict Tactics (CT) Scales

Texas Attorney General – When You Get Married
Five Love Languages
Couples Satisfaction Index  This 32-item instrument is published in various publications like and article; it is not available for purchase as a commercial test.

Fisher Divorce Adjustment – this one appears to be tied to a seminar he does and you take it before you attend; I can’t find anywhere you can buy it in print other than $4.95 to take it online; I did, however, order the book and workbook he uses in the seminar, Rebuilding When Your Relationship EndsRebuilding Workbook: When Your Relationship Ends.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter – “The Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II (KTS®-II) is the most widely used personality instrument in the world. It is a powerful 70 question personality instrument that helps individuals discover their personality type. The KTS-II is based on Keirsey Temperament Theory™, published in the best-selling books, Please Understand Me® and Please Understand Me II.” In order to buy it you have to become certified first

Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale – Publisher will only sell to individuals

Family Environment Scale – I don’t see that we can order the print scale. They do sell the print manual but the scale is online.